Library Rules
Registration with the Library
- The library is public and registration is open for the general public.
- No registration is required for using computers with the public internet or for using library materials on site.
- Registration is required to check out library material (bringing them home).
Registration Fee
- Registration is free of charge for Jabok students and staff.
- Registration is free of charge for users with disabilities.
- For other users, registration is 50 CZK.
Validity of the Registration
- Registration is valid for Jabok students and staff until August 31 of the current year, regardless of the date of registration.
- For other users, registration is valid for 12 months from the date of registration.
Library card
- The user can obtain the library card from the library for a fee of 10 CZK.
- The users can also use their own smart card as a library card (e.g., ISIC, ITIC, Lítačka, IN-karta, bus pass cards or any other library software compatible smart card that includes the user's name, address, and photo). Using users own smart card as a library card is free of charge.
- The library card is not transferable - only the owner can use his/her card.
- The user is responsible for the card and for all materials borrowed on his/her card.
- The user must present the library card when borrowing items or using the library computer.
User account
- The user can set up his/her library account, renew items, manage holds, etc. via the library catalog web page.
- The user is responsible for the validity of the personal data stored in his/her account. Any personal data changes must be reported to the library staff or changed via account login in the library catalog.
- The user may not share the credentials with other people.
Borrowing and returning materials
- No book or other library material can be taken out of the library without checking it out with the library staff. Carrying an item out of the library without checking it out is considered as a theft.
- The user may not lend the borrowed library items to other persons.
- The user can have a maximum 40 items checked out.
- When the library is closed, books can be returned to the book box (Knihobox) next to the library. Items are checked in no later than the next business day. The user is obliged to check if the items returned to the book box have been checked in and to report any discrepancies to the library staff immediately.
- Overdue items are charged 2 CZK for the item per day.
Circulation duration
- Theses can be used only on site
- A book can be checked out 28 days (4 weeks)
- Journals can be borrowed for 14 day (2 weeks)
Circulation renew
- Circulation can be renewed before the due date. The new due date is calculated from circulation period of the item (e.g. 28 days) and the time of renewing.
- Renewing of the item is not possible after the due date or if the user has bills, overdue items or expired registration. Renewing is also not possible if there is a hold placed on the item by another user.
Using Library Computers
- To use one of the library computers, the user must submit a library card to staff to get a password.
- When leaving a computer, users must log out of the account.
- Users may not change the computer settings.
- Users may not view, send or download anything offensive or illegal.
Using Library Space
- Users must obey staff instructions.
- Users may not disturb other users by making a loud call or noise.
- Users can drink and eat in the library if they have in mind the needs of other users and are considerate of the books and library space.
- Users must treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect.
Last updated 19 March 2019 - 6:29pm